The Fédération Sciences Sociales Suds (F3S) was founded in 2012 by human and social sciences research units specialising in the study of the “Global South”, a term which refers to the developing and emerging countries.
It brings together Parisian laboratories under the aegis of IRD: the Population and Development Centre (CEPED), the Centre for Social Sciences Studies on African, American and Asian Worlds (CESSMA), the Migrations and Society Research Unit (URMIS) and the SeDyL – Language Dynamics and Structure. Local Heritage, Environment and Globalisation (PALOC) joined the F3S at the end of 2019. Le Pôle de Recherche pour l’Organisation et la Diffusion de l’Information Géographique (PRODIG) and Développement et Sociétés (D&S) joined the F3S at the beginning of 2021. The Centre for Research and Documentation on the Americas (CREDA) is attached to it.