02 September 2021
Workshop – Thursday 2 September 2021
Collège de France
11, place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris
Organised by the équipe « Anthropologie comparative des sociétés et cultures musulmanes », with the support of CESSMA, F3S, IISMM, LAS, PALOC (UMR 208).
In both Algeria and Sudan, 2019 has been marked by major popular revolts leading to a challenge to pre-existing political regimes. Despite the diversity of their developments, these two movements have shifted the lines of authoritarian forms of government.
In order to understand these revolts, it is necessary to look more closely at the social dynamics and transactions with the different segments of the state, in a comparative perspective.
In the end, it is a question of understanding political dynamics neither from the top nor from the bottom, but rather in the daily interactions between the State and society, from practical and political transactions to the ambiguities they entail, and the unstable forms of the political link.
It is thus necessary to break with the stato-centric approach in order to adopt an alternative approach based on an ethnography of politics and mobilizations. This approach would allow us to grasp the reasons for the popular revolts, the expectations and views of the state, and the renegotiations of the political link in order to understand the forms that the changes in power are taking in these two countries.
9.10am: Introduction
9.30am: Clément DESHAYES (LAVUE, CEDEJ) : Lutter en ville au Soudan: regard rétrospectif sur l’ethnographie politique de deux mouvements de contestation (Girifna et Sudan Change Now)
10am: Mohamed MEBTOUL (GRAS-Université Oran 2) : Pour une compréhension de la dynamique interne du “Hirak” algérien, une année après
10.30am: Coffee break
10.45am: Laurent BAZIN (CNRS-CLERSÉ, CESSMA) : Quand le gouvernement algérien s’imaginait pouvoir acheter la paix sociale : l’État distributif et revendications populaires
11.15am: Abdeljabbar A.M. EJAMI (Université Paris 8/University of Khartoum) : The ‘Deep Revolution’ in Sudan. Conceptions, Perceptions and Expectations
12.30am: Lunch break
2pm: Barkahoum FERHATI (CNRPAH, Alger) : Les ‘vendredires’, un RV avec la liberté : témoignage
2.30pm: Mahassin ABDEL JALIL (University of Bahri, Sudan) : ‘The Voice of Women is Revolution’. Sudanese Women between Two Revolutions
3pm : Coffee break
3.15pm: Salim CHENA (LAM, Bordeaux) :Mobilités et mobilisations : migration, déplacement et construction nationale en Algérie d’hier à aujourd’hui
3.45pm: Hicham ROUIBAH (CESSMA) : La constitution algérienne ralentit le processus du Hirak : domination du pouvoir et prise de conscience populaire
4.15pm: Yacine KHIAR (Université Paris 8/LAVUE) : De Place de la République (Paris) au Sit-in d’Al-Qyâda (Khartoum). Les mobilisations d’artistes algériens et soudanais en soutien aux mouvements de contestations dans leurs pays.
4.45 pm: Coffee break
Discussants : Yazid Ben Hounet (CNRS), Anne-Marie Brisebarre (CNRS), Barbara Casciarri (Paris 8/LAVUE, CEDEJ), Tarik Dahou (IRD), Marie-Luce Gélard (Paris 5).